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Category: Government, Politics

June joins Jim from Baghdad, Iraq to report on the post-constitution ratification environment in Iraq. She also delivers and up-date on how small businesses are developing in the new free economy.
Wilma and Jim discuss new ideas on how to launch a Women's Business Center.
Governor Gilmore and Jim talk about why it's even more important now to connect government organization and private businesses in the effort to prepare and respond to large emergenciese, like a storm or a terrorist attack. <br></["br"]>
Governor Pete du Pont
The governor joins Jim to share his thoughts on the response to Hurricane Katrina and what we've learned from that event. They go on to talk about how this catastrophe shines light on the ineffective energy policy of the U.S. government, and a few things that need to be done to improve it.
Carol joins Jim to talk about what the SBA is doing to help in the recovery efforts going on in the Hurricane Katrina ravaged gulf coast.
Gov. Haley Barbour
Governor Barbour joins Jim for the first time on the show to talk about his recent trip to Asia. He says we should think of the Chinese and their neighbors as customers, not just competitors. The Governor goes on to talk about what his state is doing to promote economic growth, especially what he's doing to support small business owners and promote entrepreneurship. Don't miss this interview.
Joining Jim from Baghdad, Iraq, June talks with Jim about the circumstances around the extension of the constitution deadline for one week. She also talks about some of the important economic development projects she is working on for the Iraqi economy.
Thomas Sullivan
Tom and Jim discuss the regulatory environment for small business, plus the oportunities for small businesses in the new laws just passed, the Transportation Bill, the Energy Bill, and the Central American Free Trade Agreement. They also talk about some of the up-coming bills to be considered later including one that would make Association Health plans possible.
Stephanie Vance
Stephanie and Jim talk about current political issues, such as the newest bills that have passed in Congress, and how to let your elected delegation know what you think about issues that are important to you.
Stephanie Vance
Stephanie and Jim talk about current political issues, such as the newest bills that have passed in Congress, and how to let your elected delegation know what you think about issues that are important to you.

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