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Category: Government, Politics

Arky Ciancutti
The world could do worse than emulating the values of main street small businesses as a model for a better form of capitalism. Arky Ciancutti and Jim Blasingame discuss this idea and why it is needed so much.
Clint Wilder
Where do the "clean technologies" stand with the collapse of oil prices? Clint Wilder joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the future of clean technology, such as electric cars, hydrogen cells and other examples.
James Copland
What will recent Obama administration appointments mean for small business, according to Jim Copland as he joins Jim Blasingame to explain these announcements and likely judicial changes.
Ken Gronbach
How will population changes impact global economies? Ken Grobach talks with Jim Blasingame about how birth rates and generational waves will influence the various economies around the globe in the future.
Bill Seratt
What value does tourism bring to a community? Bill Seratt talks about this with Jim Blasingame, including how they partner with other organizations, like the Vicksburg chamber of commerce.
Brother Blackburn
A perspective on the American automobile industry from a home-town dealer. Brother Blackburn lays it on the line in his visit with Jim Blasingame as he broadcasts live at the Vicksburg, MS Chamber. Later in the interview, they're joined by Christy Kilroy and they talk about the value of a chamber of commerce.
Larry Gawronski
Larry Gawronski joins Jim Blasingame as he broadcasts live in Vicksburg, MS, to talk about the impact a convention center has on the community. Also, how his company is an outsource resource for the city of Vicksburg.
Jim Blasingame
How did the Big 3 automakers get into such a bind and what should be done about it? Jim Blasingame explains this perfect storm that the Big 3 are experiencing and what he thinks the next steps should be.
Joan Pryde
Joan Pryde joins Jim Blasingame to discuss current events, including the economic challenges Obama will inherit, who he will listen to and what will be his first actions. They also discuss lower oil prices and increasing business costs, among other topics.
Karen Kerrigan
What are the key issues facing the global entrepreneurial community?Karen Kerrigan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what she learned at the Global Entrepreneurship Forum in France.

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