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Category: Government, Politics

Barbara Weltman
Could a flat tax become reality in the U.S.? Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the impediments to a flat tax having a chance of replacing our current income tax regime, plus last minute SEP planning.
Eugene Griessman
All decisions have elements of good and bad in them.. Gene Griessman joins Jim Blasingame to celebrate Lincoln's birthday and talk about his thoughts about how to make difficult decisions, especially where human lives are at stake.
Eugene Griessman
What was at the heart of Lincoln's feeling about slavery? Gene Griessman joins Jim Blasingame to celebrate Lincoln's birthday and reveal what was at the heart of his anti-slavery conviction, plus his income tax plan.
Tamar Jacoby
Will there be immigration reform in the next four years? Tamar Jacoby joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the future of immigration, including border security, legalization, citizenship and whether we will have reform legislation this term.
Tamar Jacoby
What's the next step in the immigration debate? Tamar Jacoby joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that legalization vs citizenship seems to be the two big immigration debate points that will play out in the next two years.
Tamar Jacoby
President Obama won't accept immigration reform unless he gets all the credit. Tamar Jacoby joins Jim Blasingame to remind us that the last time President Obama had a chance to work with Republicans on immigration he blindsided them.
Jim Blasingame
The trust level for so many U.S. institutions is at record lows. Jim Blasingame talks about recent surveys showing Americans are losing faith in our institutions, and offers a suggestion for how to restore this most critical concept of trust.
Rick Newman
Why are there no business people around President Obama? Rick Newman joins Jim Blasingame to report on the fact that Obama only surrounds himself with political types and no business people, plus the failure of the Jobs Council.
Rick Newman
After a negative growth quarter, could there be good news in the economy? Rick Newman joins Jim Blasingame to report on some of the hopeful, if not positive elements beginning to become evident in the U.S. economy.
Gerald Celente
Does the Golden Rule work for foreign policy decisions? Gerald Celente joins Jim Blasingame to propose that nations shouldn't be surprised when they're attacked by people they had attacked.

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