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Category: Government, Politics

Bill Brandt
Was the Detroit bankruptcy inevitable? Bill Brandt joins Jim Blasingame to report on the real reasons the City of Detroit took bankruptcy and what the rest of us can learn from this dramatic failure.
Ray Keating
Why is U.S. unemployment still at 35-year record lows? Ray Keating joins Jim Blaisngame to reveal the several factors that are holding back hiring, including the primary one, which is anti-business policies from Washington.
Ray Keating
Anti-business policies do not make businesses want to invest and hire. Ray Keating joins Jim Blaisngame to compare other recoveries where pro-business policies produced economic growth, with President Obama's recovery.
Ray Keating
Small businesses react to Obama policies by refusing to take risks. Ray Keating joins Jim Blaisngame to connect Obama's anti-business policies that are causing small business owners to avoid taking risks, making investments and hiring more people.
Sam Norwood
Unemployment is entrenched and chronic in the U.S. Sam Norwood joins Jim Blasingame with this month's Tatum Survey, which shows unemployment continuing to be stubbornly entrenched in the U.S., and no sign of improvement.
Sam Norwood
Why are business managers pessimistic about business conditions? Sam Norwood joins Jim Blasingame to report on the Tatum Survey that shows business managers are not optimistic about business conditions for the next few months.
Jim Blasingame
Why are small businesses not asking banks for business loans? Jim Blasingame explains how a lack of loan demand by small businesses explains why the economy is growing at such a poor rate.
Stephen Moore
Wall Street is setting records, while Main Street is languishing. Stephen Moore joins Jim Blasingame to report on why there is such a disparity between Wall Street's record-setting numbers and less than 2% growth for Main Street.
Stephen Moore
Four years after the Great Recession, the U.S. economy is still languishing. Stephen Moore joins Jim Blasingame to report on the poor performance of the U.S. economy, and explain why Obama policies are anti-growth, especially with small businesses.
Stephen Moore
Will the Obama succeed in blaming Republicans for shutting down the government? Stephen Moore joins Jim Blasingame to provide Republicans with a better strategy for fighting Obamacare without shutting down the government.

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