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Category: Women and Minority Issues

Donald Hunter
Clara Villarosa
Has Obama contributed positively to the economy? Donald Hunter and Clara Villarosa join Jim Blasingame to celebrate Black History Month and report on economic conditions, including whether President Obama has made them better or worse.
Donald Hunter
Clara Villarosa
Has Obama contributed positively to the economy? Donald Hunter and Clara Villarosa join Jim Blasingame to celebrate Black History Month and report on economic conditions, including whether President Obama has made them better or worse.
Donald Hunter
Clara Villarosa
How has President Obama done so far? Donald Hunter and Clara Villarosa join Jim Blasingame to celebrate Black History Month and give Obama a grade based on his performance thus far as president.
Donald Hunter
Clara Villarosa
Black History Month means different things to different people. Donald Hunter and Clara Villarosa join Jim Blasingame to celebrate Black History Month and share their perspectives on what this commemoration means to them personally and professionally.
John Harrison
A black small business owners talks about what Black History Month means to him. John Harrison joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how Black History Month has meant different things to him during the stages of his life.
Olalah Njenga
Do women need the Payckeck Fairness law? Olalah Njenga joins Jim Blasingame to say that she supports the Paycheck Fairness law, as long as it calculates fair pay that takes all factors into consideration.
Olalah Njenga
What will a minimum wage increase do to black Americans? Olalah Njenga joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of Obama's State of the Union proposals, including the minimum wage increase, which will hurt black workers disproportionately.
Olalah Njenga
Black entrepreneurs are black every day, not just in February. Olalah Njenga joins Jim Blasingame to share what she thinks about being a black entrepreneur, especially during Black History Month.
Katherine Crowley
How does a male manager deal with "mean girls" who are employees? Katherine Crowley joins Jim Blasingame with suggestions to help male small business owners deal with female employees who don't get along, including "mean girls."
Katherine Crowley
What is a "mean girl?" Katherine Crowley joins Jim Blasingame to talk about what a "mean girl" is, why they behave in a small and petty way, and why there are no "mean boys."

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