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Category: Start Up

Patrick Henry
Patrick Henry joins Jim Blasingame to describe the difference between how the two types of startups go about acquiring the capital funding of their ventures.
Patrick Henry
Patrick Henry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that there are two basic types of startups, one that has the opportunity to scale to a large size, and the other that is more likely to operate at the Main Street level.
Ray Keating
Ray Keating joins Jim Blasingame to report on the unprecedented reality that more than 3 million small businesses have not been formed – based on population growth – over the past decade.
Ray Keating
Ray Keating joins Jim Blasingame to report on research that shows American small business creation has been and is declining for several reasons.
Dinesh Kandanchatha
Dinesh Kandanchatha joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the best order of capital acquisition is customer cash first, then maximizing bank lending, and then, as a last resort, investor capital.
Jeff Zbar
Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how they maximized opportunities without wandering too far off of their ideal professional focus.
Scott Petinga
Scott Petinga joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how the third and fourth elements of GRIT, initiative and tenacity, must be in evidence in your make-up if you want to create something others said couldn’t be done.
John Bradberry
John Bradberry joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the elements of what motivates entrepreneurs to take risks and try what often are things no one else has done or would do.
John Bradberry
John Bradberry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that one of the best business launch practices is to have as much customer input and involvement in your new venture as possible.
Nelson Davis
Nelson Davis joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what’s going on in the heads of entrepreneurs, even when that person isn’t aware that they are doing something special.

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