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Category: Government, Politics

Rich Galen
The Arab Spring has taken a wrong turn. Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the dangers of being naive when dealing with radical Islam and failing to learn from thousands of years of Middle East history.
Rich Galen
Obama's Middle East strategy is blowing up in America's face. Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to report on recent Middle East developments and discuss how the Obama administration's failed foreign policies have failed.
Tamar Jacoby
Which campaign is winning the Hispanic vote? Tamar Jacoby joins Jim Blasingame to explain why it seems Obama is winning the Hispanic vote over Romney.
Tamar Jacoby
How will Obama's "Deferred Action" policy impact your small business? Tamar Jacoby joins Jim Blasingame to discuss Obama's "Deferred Action" policy and how it could impact your small business, including potential jeopardy.
Tamar Jacoby
Why did Obama create his "Deferred Action" immigration policy? Tamar Jacoby joins Jim Blasingame to discuss President Obama's policy to grant special considerations to certain young illegal immigrants and the political motivations.
Steve Olsher
The U.S. is experiencing joblessness that is near record. Steve Olsher joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the latest jobs report, what is causing it and what each of us can do to improve it or at least deal with it.
Bill Dunkelberg
How are Obama's policies causing small businesses so much anxiety? Bill Dunkelberg joins Jim Blasingame to report on why the anti-business policies and rhetoric has caused so much lingering anxiety in the small business sector.
Bill Dunkelberg
Small businesses still are not optimistic about the economy? Bill Dunkelberg joins Jim Blasingame with the NFIB Index on small business optimism that small businesses aren't, because the economy is creating poor sales and profits.
Bill Dunkelberg
Will the Fed do QE3? Bill Dunkelberg joins Jim Blasingame to discuss whether a struggling economy will cause the Federal Reserve Board to create more quantitative easing (QE3) in the next few months and why that would be a mistake.
Janice Kephart
What are the technology innovations that help us fight the next terrorist attack? Janice Kephart joins Jim Blasingame to report on some of the new technologies that agencies are using around the world to fight terrorists.

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