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Category: Futuring, Demographics, Generations

Joel Barker
How many batteries do you charge every week? Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how one innovator says we can cut wasted energy when charging batteries by 90% and save billions every year.
Joel Barker
Could someone build the tallest building in the world in half a year? Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on how a Chinese company plans to prefab the tallest building in the world and erect it in 7 months, plus why this is a good idea.
Joel Barker
That's right! We now have smart diapers. Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the innovative path someone took to create a disposable that calls your cell phone when your baby has a wet diaper.
Ken Gronbach
How will Generation Y's desire for transparency manifest in the workplace? Ken Gronbach joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the transparency default attitude of Generation Y and how that will manifest as they take over the workplace.
Ken Gronbach
Boomer brain drain or behavior drain? Ken Gronbach joins Jim Blasingame to report on the retirement of Baby Boomers and how this brain drain could also create a behavior drain, and what that could mean for the workplace.
Ken Gronbach
There is a major shift in brain power in the U.S. coming soon. Ken Gronbach joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the Baby Boomer Brain Drain phenomenon which is beginning to occur and will significantly impact the workplace.
Joel Barker
Move over Goldfinger. Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on a laser weapon the U.S. Navy has produced that can take a plane down, not unlike the fictional one Goldfinger used against James Bond almost 40 years ago.
Joel Barker
The new normal is getting exciting. Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on greenhouses on top of supermarkets, and new brain imaging technology that shows a very orderly organ.
Joel Barker
Joel told us 3-D laser printing would be part of our future. Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on some of the ways 3-D laser printing of objects will create opportunity and cause disruptions, like laser printed pistol recently demonstrated.
Joe Cleary
Is the Houston economy an indicator of a U.S. recovery? Joe Cleary joins Jim Blasingame to propose that the indications of new business activity in Houston has wide ranging implications for the national economy.

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