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Category: Business Planning

Wally Bock
It's okay to fall in love with what you do, but not with how you do it. That's the essence of the conversation with Wally Bock and Jim Blasingame as they talk about specific small business survival strategies that they have witnesses and implemented.
Steve Kaplan
Reporting on what it will take to success in the future, Steve Kaplan joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to identify new opportunities and take advantage of them, including the most promising industries and trends.
Tony Paradiso
If what you're doing isn't working, stop doing it. Tony Paradiso joins Jim Blasingame to talk about making the tough decisions to change what you've always done to what the marketplace really needs.
Sam Norwood
How is the economic mood on Main Street, as we kick off another year? Sam Norwood and Jim Blasingame go over the January 2010 Tatum survey of small business conditions, including sales, investment, capital acquisition and other indicators, and the arrows are all green and pointing upward.
Mike Menzies
What will small business banking look like in 2010? Mike Menzies talks to Jim Blasingame about some of the key issues small businesses and their banks will face as they work together in 2010. They also discuss some of the new regulations that are being proposed by Congress.
Jim Sirbasku
Are you able to set goals and accomplish them. Jim Sirbasku joins Jim Blasingame to talk about goal setting practices that have worked for him in his highly successful career. He also talks about the difference between a goal and a resolution.
Jay Myers
What if your best customer or product just went away? Have you identified your next big opportunity? Jay Myers joins Jim Blasingame to talk about surviving 2009 and how identifying his next big opportunity before he needed it made survival possible.
Tim Berry
Can entrepreneurs have it all - professional and personal success? Tim Berry and Jim Blasingame think it's possible and they discuss tips and best practices both have used for balancing work and life.
Kevin Pigg
With the small business mortality rate so high, how can you reduce your chances of being part of this statistic? Kevin Pigg joins Jim Blasingame to offer some tips and best practices that will help you have a greater chance of finding success.
Barbara Weltman
Congress became the Grinch this year by failing to resolve several tax issues that businesses need in order to plan. Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to talk about some of the specific tax elements that are in limbo until Congress reconvienes.

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