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Jim Blasingame
Successful professional salespeople are gold miners. And the gold they seek is in the heads of prospects. So, remember, selling is more profitable and more fun when the prospect does most of the ta... » More
Jim Blasingame
This is the third article in a series about Blockchain technology and its implications. The first, in June, was an introduction, and the second, in July, was how Blockchain works and its role in cr... » More
Jim Blasingame
Operating our small business, we get so wrapped up in slaying the dragon that we risk losing our grip on what really matters. So, to quote the late, great Warren Zevon, "Enjoy every sandwich!" » More
Jim Blasingame
China may not be our primary enemy - the biggest threat to the U.S. may be radical liberal activists who use children to advance their issues and the media that gives them a platform. » More
Jim Blasingame
In a national customer satisfaction index, the average customer rating was less than 60%. So how has such a level of un-service become a 21st-century norm? Because customers have become sensitized ... » More
Jim Blasingame
As the founder of your small business, you were likely the first to do all the jobs - and all the jobs were done perfectly. But your business cannot grow until you can delegate, and you cannot dele... » More
Jim Blasingame
Are Hunter Biden, et al, and Donald Trump, et al, guilty of all of the things being alleged? Regardless of your political leaning, keep in mind that as we’ve known since Henry II’s 12th-century leg... » More
Jim Blasingame
The U.S. banking system has been challenged this year with the collapse of three large “regional” banks and some experts have predicted there will be more going forward. Smart small business owners... » More
Jim Blasingame
Analog trust was handy in the Analog Age when most interactions occurred very close to the humans involved. But the more we employ global digital leverage by merely pushing an “Enter” key, the more... » More
Jim Blasingame
Both Tour de France athletes and small business owners exhibit superhuman traits and have four common elements required to compete successfully in both tours. » More