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Category: Marketing, Branding, Advertising

Ilise Benun
Get ready for a one-a-day marketing plan? Ilise Benun joins Jim Blasingame to recommend a multi-faceted marketing plan that you execute a different element of each day, like a one-a-day vitamin.
Philippa Gamse
Are you tracking your online traffic? Philippa Gamse joins Jim Blasingame to discuss using segments in Google Analytics to breakdown online traffic to your website so you can make better decisions.
Drew Williams
Drew Williams joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to get capital for your start up, plus he explains that you have to spend less than you earn to have a successful business.
Drew Williams
Drew Williams joins Jim Blasingame to explain that growing a business requires capital, plus no matter your business you must be a marketer.
Jim Blasingame
How is your social media strategy working? Jim Blasingame reports on how small businesses are doing with their social media strategy, specifically that two-thirds of those polled are successful or expect to be successful.
Anita Rosen
Why is social media so difficult for small businesses? Anita Rosen joins Jim Blasingame to talk about some of the reasons marketing with social media is not easy for small businesses, and offers some tips and best practices.
Anita Rosen
New media is just new tools that use what you've always known about customers. Anita Rosen joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that even though you may be using new media to find customers, what you say to them hasn't changed.
Pam Danziger
How do luxury retailers survive during a slow economy? Pam Danziger joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what the rest of us can learn from some of the practices of luxury retailers use to stay close to customers.
Paula Lovell
Self-publishing is not the same thing as vanity press. Paula Lovell joins Jim Blasingame reveal that the difference between Vanity Press and self-publishing is that the latter form of writing a book actually has a plan to sell the book.
Paula Lovell
The most powerful business card is the book you wrote. Paula Lovell joins Jim Blasingame to encourage anyone who wants to increase their professional credibility to consider writing a book, even if you self-publish.

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