Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Mike Daniels joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the early days of the Internet including the history of Network Solutions and how they foresaw the monetization of the Internet.
Mike Daniels joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the global politicalization of Internet governance through iCann, plus the opportunities still available on the Internet, including the ability to monetize social media.
David Gage joins Jim Blasingame with a story of why your best friend may not be the best business partner, even if it seems like a perfect match.
David Gage joins Jim Blasingame to continue the story of best friends/business partners and how their equal salary agreement devolved into unequal equity and malfeasance, plus how it could have all been avoided.
David Gage joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why you must start a business partnership with your best friend with careful and thorough planning, including discussions on values and personalities.
aJoAnna Brandi joins Jim Blasingame to discuss looking for how to be grateful even when things don't go your way.
JoAnna Brandi joins Jim Blasingame to discuss acquiring positive leadership skills.
Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to discuss creating an environment on your website where people who not only spend more time, but come back to you visit.
Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to discuss optimizing your website and social media efforts by evoking trust.
Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what the Twitter IPO means for users, plus Twitter advertising for small businesses.