Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Lessons on public speaking from politicians. Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame to talk about what we can learn from politicians about handling difficult audiences when we speak publicly.
Politicians can provide a clinic on how to avoid our message being taken out of context. Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame with examples of how politicians teach us the dangers of misstatements and being taken out of context.
What did the Supreme Court decide about Obamacare? Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to report the details of the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare, including what was upheld and what was struck down.
When Supreme Court Justices make laws, instead of protecting the constitution. Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to report on how Chief Justice Roberts succumbed to political pressure to make his ruling on Obamacare.
What will be the result of the Obamacare ruling going forward? Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to report on the impact of Obamacare on the medical profession, plus what will it take to stop it.
What does social media have to do with the Tour de France? Jim Blasingame reveals what small businesses can learn from the Tour de France about having a social media strategy.
Is global warming real? Jim Blasingame talks about his thoughts on global warming, how humans are contributing to it, and how a comprehensive energy policy is the best way to reduce it.
What is LIBOR, the London Interbank Offered Rate? Bob McTeer joins Jim Blasingame to explain what LIBOR is and how it contributes to global financial markets, including small business financing.
What will result from the LIBOR rate fixing scandal? Bob McTeer joins Jim Blasingame to explain the LIBOR scandal, what caused it, how bad is it and what will happen.
Will the LIBOR scandal affect small businesses? Bob McTeer joins Jim Blasingame to explain how small businesses will be impacted by the LIBOR scandal, as another loss of confidence in the global financial system.