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Category: Marketing, Branding, Advertising

Mark Schmulen
Customer expectations determine your social media strategy. Mark Schmulen joins Jim Blasingame to report that more small businesses are using social media because customers increasingly expect to be reached there.
Mark Schmulen
Small businesses are increasingly turning to social media marketing. Mark Schmulen joins Jim Blasingame to report on the growth of social media marketing among small businesses who are taking advantage of customer community-building platforms.
Philippa Gamse
Should you outsource the evaluation of your website traffic data? Philippa Gamse joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why you should hire a pro to evaluate your web traffic, but do not outsource how your business strategy is applied.
Tom Anastasi
What merchandising lessons can small business learn from Big Boxes? Tom Anastasi joins Jim Blasingame with merchandising ideas borrowed from big boxes that small businesses can use to compete on everything but price.
Tom Anastasi
Why can small businesses win against Black Friday? Tom Anastasi joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the manipulative aspect of Black Friday and how small businesses can compete against Big Boxes with value, authenticity and being relevant to customers.
Jim Blasingame
How does a small business defend against the dreaded Black Friday? Jim Blasingame talks about how small businesses create a multi-faceted marketing plan to fight the Black Friday mentality that focused more on being relevant to customers than being competitive.
Jim Blasingame
Black Friday will end when customers have full control of the marketplace. Jim Blasingame says that Black Friday is an attempt by Wall Street and Big Boxes to manipulate customers and he predicts how, why, and when it will fail.
Neil Rosen
It's 10 o'clock - do you know where your customers are? Neil Rosen joins Jim Blasingame to offer ideas on how to use keywords and cookies to trigger targeted, relevant marketing messages.
Neil Rosen
How a small business transcended competitiveness with chatter marketing. Neil Rosen joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why chatter marketing is to the 21st century relevance what the product-of-the-month was to the 20th century competitiveness.
Leslie Grossman
Do you have a small businesses shopping plan? Leslie Grossman joins Jim Blasingame to extol the benefits of doing business with local small businesses and why everyone should have a small business shopping plan.

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