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Category: Marketing, Branding, Advertising

Catherine Kaputa
Catherine Kaputa joins Jim Blasingame to report on the Ample Hills ice cream company’s growth history that was driven by a brand known for quality and how a little luck gave them a big boost.
Catherine Kaputa
Catherine Kaputa joins Jim Blasingame to report on the Halal restaurant chain that grew from a single hotdog stand on wheels to a growing chain of restaurants by knowing and leveraging the power of their brand.
Zain  Raj
Zain Raj joins Jim Blasingame to ask the question of what level of commitment do customers have with your brand and business, is it a habit, a routine or a ritual.
Zain  Raj
Zain Raj joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that branding has changed from a passive message-driven activity to one that requires constant active and aggressive steps to stay in front of customers.
Brian Moran
Brian Moran joins Jim Blasingame to share his insight on marketing and publishing and ways that you can develop better strategies for both.
Jeff Zbar
Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the issues with our online reputation, how to track it, how to defend it, and even how to correct it when it’s wrong.
Kita Szpak
Kita Szpak joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how companies can use their commitment to community to demonstrate their values and increase market acceptance.
Kita Szpak
Kita Szpak joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to demonstrate the values of your business by participating in your desired cause and turn it into a marketing advantage for the right reasons.
Stijn Hendrikse
Stijn Hendrikse joins Jim Blasingame to encourage you to use the authenticity of your own words and voice in your marketing strategy.
Stijn Hendrikse
Stijn Hendrikse joins Jim Blasingame to encourage small business owners to spend more of their time on in-bound marketing and trying to acquire earned media, and less on outbound. In other words, it’s less expensive to keep a customer than find a new one.

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