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Category: Legal

Hillel Presser
How do you protect trade secrets when your employees leave? Hillel Presser joins Jim Blasingame to explain how to use non-disclosure agreements with employees to whom you've given access to company trade secrets.
Hillel Presser
Do you have a plan for protecting your trade secrets? Hillel Presser joins Jim Blasingame to talk about what a trade secret is, why a business should protect theirs and how to do it.
Larry May
How does a small business convert to employee ownership? Larry May joins Jim Blasingame to share the story about how his company converted from founder ownership to being owned by employees under an ESOP.
Amy Lieberman
How to establish mediation as a contract component. Amy Lieberman joins Jim Blasingame to explain why mediation as a contract element, how to choose a mediator and how is mediation different from arbitration.
Amy Lieberman
When is mediation a good conflict resolution option? Amy Lieberman joins Jim Blasingame explain what mediation is, when to use it, and why it can be a better option than a lawsuit.
Jeff Zbar
It's not too early to think about holiday wishes and gifts. Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to recommend getting a head-start on to whom and what you will be extending as holiday best wishes and gifts, including some dos and don'ts.
Cliff Ennico
What is the future of intellectual property? Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the current and future assaults on ownership and monetizing of intellectual property due to emerging attitudes and technology.
Nicole Auerbach
What are negotiable elements in a contract with a big company? Nicole Auerbach joins Jim Blasingame to identify some contract points to fight for, including survival clause and attorney fees.
Nicole Auerbach
Are you a good contract negotiator? Nicole Auerbach joins Jim Blasingame to talk about certain things to look for in contracts, including what state laws will be applied in the case of a lawsuit.
Eva Rosenberg
The Swiss Bank whistleblowers received a $104 million payday from the IRS. Eva Rosenberg joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the reward provisions for turning in legitimate tax fraud, plus a caution for false accusations.

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