Stephen King

Productivity: the last of the Four Data Driven Decisions

Stephen King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why you may not be maximizing your team performance by the way you allocate their payroll expense on the operating statement above and below the line.

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Stephen King joins Jim Blasingame to introduce the concept of activity-based payroll as part of your financial management, and how to find the tracking and management tools that will help you.
Stephen King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal breaking down your business’s operation into gross profit centers that you track individually so you can improve both pricing and resource application.
Stephen King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal breaking each job or project into its own financial statement so you can more finely tune the company’s gross profit performance.
Steve King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to consider human performance against the five business performance factors, including revenue and profits.
Steve King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how your company’s success drivers must be overlaid with your hiring and employee behavior and performance metrics.