How Do I Handle The Internet Shopper?

Brad Huisken

The most frequently asked question that I get is: How do you handle the Internet shopper? The answer isn’t an easy one and one that needs some ground work laid before answering. First, if you have anticipated that the Internet is a flash in the pan and is going to go away, you are mistaken! The Internet is a viable means by which people can easily purchase products and services. Secondly, I think that we have to assume that if the customer came into your store after having been shopping or doing research on the Internet, then they are saying to you that I am going to give you a chance to make the sale. If they didn’t already buy from the Internet then apparently their mind is still open to additional information.

I have always believed that when a customer comes into a store that they are not necessarily looking for the merchandise the store sells. I believe that they are looking for a place and a person from whom to buy the merchandise. Further, in a retail store two things need to be established in order for a sale to be made. Those two things are “Trust” and “Value”. Let’s look at trust. How do we get a customer to trust us? With the media beating the industry up at every opportunity it is a difficult proposition to get a customer to trust us. I believe that you need to proactively sell yourself and sell the store. Ask yourself why should a customer buy from us? List the top twenty or thirty reasons why a customer should buy from you and develop those things into a customer benefited story.

For example: “Here at ABC stores we have been in the business for three generations, the honesty and integrity that we have shown over the years has allowed us to flourish as a business in the community.” Three or four times during a sales presentation I believe you should tell a company story that is customer benefited to why the customer should buy from you. In many cases I believe that sales are lost based on what you don’t say as opposed to what you do say. This is especially true with the internet shopper. I would advise to tell your company story three, four or five times during a sales presentation by which you are elevating yourself while at the same time planting a seed of doubt in purchasing from the internet.

For example: “When buying something as rare and exquisite as a diamond I would want to make sure that you are getting exactly what is represented in a diamond. With the slight differences in color, clarity and cut that mean the world of difference in how a diamond is priced, thus it’s value; I know you would want to deal with someone with years of experience in grading and appraising diamonds. In addition, I would certainly want to exam the diamond for myself using a microscope or loupe that you simply cannot do when purchasing a diamond blind off the internet.”

This is just one example of a statement that I would make to an internet shopper. There are hundreds of others. It is up to you to develop numerous company stories that you are comfortable telling your customers in order for them to trust you and to plant a seed of doubt in buying from anyone except you.

The issue of “Value” is another difficult situation. I believe that value is perception. Some people have a pre-conceived perception of value, some have a limited perception and others have no perception at all. It is up to you to elevate the customer’s perception of value in buying, number one your merchandise and secondly buying it from you. Again going back and telling the customer the benefits of buying from you as opposed to buying from the internet.

Another example: “When buying a diamond from us at ABC jewelers we give a free insurance appraisal as well as a certificate from XXX laboratory with every diamond that we sell and we offer free cleaning, checking and maintenance for the lifetime of the diamond. I know the internet cannot offer the same type of personalized service that we offer. In addition should you ever want to trade in your diamond we will give you 100% of the purchase price toward a bigger even more beautiful diamond.”

In selling yourself and selling your store to the customer you will plant a seed of doubt in the customer’s mind in buying from anyone but you. By offering extended after the sale benefits the customer’s perception of value may grow to where it will offset any monetary savings that they receive from the internet. Will it work 100% of the time? Probably not. However it well work better than getting defensive and being critical of, or knocking the internet. Then you are only challenging the customer to prove you wrong. Make sure the stories that you tell are true and provable. In other words don’t make stuff up in order to elevate yourself above the competition but do sell yourself and thus “Brand” your store as the place to buy. Most importantly practice the words that you say so that they are said with confidence and certainty.

Brad Huisken, President of IAS Training
Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved.

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