Mary Hessler Key

Interview with Mary Hessler Key

Mary and Jim talk about some of the critical issues small business CEOs face and how to handle them.

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Mary Key joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the issue around the Google gender equity debate and how much of the disparity in certain fields is societal and how much is natural.
Mary Key joins Jim Blasingame to report on how she’s promoting and leading peer groups for women and why more are needed.
Mary Key joins Jim Blasingame to report on why she thinks, as much progress as women have made in the past few decades to find equality in the workplace, the current situation has stalled ahead of full success.
How valuable could peer coaching be for a small business owner? Mary Hessler Key and Jim Blasingame talk about why peer coaching is extremely critical in the quest for business excellence, since it's very difficult to effectively critique our own actions and performance.
Is leadership different during a slow economy? Mary Key joins Jim Blasingame to explain how leaders have to become even better communicators when things are slow and tough decisions have to be made.