Bob Fischer

The government's track record of regulating the marketplace

What is the government's track record of regulating the marketplace? Robert Fischer joins Jim Blasingame as Congress passes the Financial Regulatory bill, to discuss the terrible track record the government has when regulating the marketplace.

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Bob Fischer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss our relationship with money as it relates to the principle of frugality in a number of cash-outlay scenarios.
Bob Fischer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss our relationship with money, and how we sometimes think about spending it, rather than making intelligent decisions about how using cash resources impact our lives, not just our pocketbook.
Bob Fischer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the ways to improve your lifestyle and diet so you can live to be 100, and still be upright, operating on your own steam.
Bob Fischer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that people over 50 shouldn’t buy into the notion that they’re less relevant and able than others, and never say they’re having a “senior moment” just because they forgot something.
Bob Fischer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the evidence that people over 50 may be being treated like they’re no longer valid in the marketplace.