Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to report on how the volunteers at SCORE work with small businesses to help them increase their profitability.
Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the first generation of growth in a business is work, which means in the early days, you focus on accomplishment and production, and not so much on analytics.
Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that selling, controls and investing are the three middle of five generations in the evolution of growth in a business.
Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that after you’ve progressed through the first four generations of business growth, the last one is to think, which is where you’re leveraging intellectual property more.
Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to report on the impact of mining, aggregating, and employing data is creating a new disruption on the economy, especially small businesses.
Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the data mining disruptions, and reasons small businesses will have get better at tracking individual customer behavior, over demographic trends.
Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how innovations have created a more distributed economy, from manufacturing to retail, from capital to employment.
Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the reasons every organization should conduct regular meetings with managers and key employees.
Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal several steps to use in your meetings to help you make them have value and purpose, including preparation, announcement, structure, and leadership.
Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal five types of personalities who seem to pop up and derail meetings, including the pontificator, the talker, and the hijacker, among others.