
Gary Moore
Gary Moore joins Jim Blasingame to share his thoughts on the effort being made by the Fed to save the economy, especially Main Street, in light of the dangers of COVID-19.
Gary Moore
Gary Moore joins Jim Blasingame to offer his perspective on the challenges our society has focusing on solutions – like how to recover from a pandemic – while we’re so politically polarized.
Heather DeSantis
Heather DeSantis joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how she runs her 5-employee PR firm from a 23’ Airstream trailer, moving around the country, and how she serves customers during the pandemic.
Brad Huisken
Brad Huisken joins Jim Blasingame to remind us that there are some practices that are fundamental and non-negotiable that will endure through the pandemic and beyond, and how to reestablish them now and going forward.
Brad Huisken
Brad Huisken joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the economy going forward will not be like the one we left a few months ago, including new customer expectations, and how to prepare your sales team for it.
Brad Huisken
Brad Huisken joins Jim Blasingame to report on how bad the pandemic response has been to the entire retail sector, and how to get ready for whatever new regular is next.
Rene Zamora
Rene Zamora joins Jim Blasingame to offer his professional advice on managing a sales team during and after the pandemic, including communicating tips, regular meetings, and blending fundamentals with the new regular going forward.
Rene Zamora
Rene Zamora joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the tips and best practices in sales management that includes fundamentals as well as new perspectives on getting your sales force ready for post-pandemic customers.
Ted Fishman
Ted Fishman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss and debate how much longer is prudent and appropriate to keep the economy shutdown, both from a health and economic standpoint.
Ted Fishman
Ted Fishman joins Jim Blasingame to report on the damage the coronavirus pandemic has had on businesses and the economy, and compare that to the associated pressure our response has created.

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