Tim Berry

Interviews with Tim Berry RSS Feed

Jim and Tim talk about what to start with when making a business plan and why starting with your customers is important to the success of your plan.
Tim joins Jim to talk about the changes to business plans over the years and how the computer makes the plan come alive.
Tim joins Jim to explain the buzz-word "SWOT" and how to apply it to your small business.
Jim and Tim break down how to start a business and plan for the long term into three lists.
Tim explains the difference between a business plan and a strategic plan, and how to combine the two for your small business.
Tim has just returned from working with small business owners in South America and he reports to us how fertile the entrepreneurial soil is in that region.
Jim and Tim talk about how to make your business better through business planning.
Tim and Jim talk about the different ways to get capital into your business, and how to allocate ownership when you take on investors.
Tim joins Jim to talk about business planning and the importance of time management. They discuss how creating a plan can be more difficult than you first think it will be.
Tim joins Jim to talk about the continuum between strategy and planning and the relationship between the two.