Tim Berry

Interviews with Tim Berry RSS Feed

Tim and Jim talk about the many different variations of business plans and how to know which one suits your objectives.
Tim and Jim talk about how to think about the projections element of your business plan, where to look for help and where not to look. They also identify a great way to minimize the truth that projections are always wrong.
Tim and Jim talk about how small businesses gain an understanding of how much capital they need to start and grow their businesses, plus how to get the capital they need, including borrowing, bootstrapping and investors.
Tim joins Jim to talk about the different ways to develop a business plan for different end-users.
Tim and Jim talk about three key elements that must be addressed when growing an existing business.
Tim joins Jim on the 8th anniversary of Tim's first visit on the show to talk about some of the greatest mistakes small business owners make when preparing a business plan. Specifically cash planning and how to treat sweat equity on your financial statements.
Tim and Jim talk about the importance of the strategic element in your business plan. Tim says growth does not happen unless you have a definite plan for growth. They go on to talk about the concept of displacement, and how it impacts our growth performance.
Tim joins Jim to help him celebrate his 8th anniversary week as they talk about a kind of fear factor: the four reasons why people fear doing business planning. Take a listen and see if you recognize any of these fears that might be holding your small business back.
Tim and Jim talk about a few of the biggest business planning mistakes small business owners make, beginning with not doing a business plan.
Tim and Jim discuss what happens when your plan meets reality. Tim talks about how to make sure your planning process is flexible enough to adjust to the reality you couldn't see coming or didn't plan for.