Mike Stewart

Interviews with Mike Stewart RSS Feed

What is preventing you from getting more sales? Mike Stewart says we might be talking ourselves out of sales, as he discusses this with Jim Blasingame, including the multi-faceted concept of call reluctance.
What's the most important thing to remember when talking to customers - especially in a recession? Mike Stewart says it's discovery as he talks with Jim Blasingame about classic sales practices that are also important survival strategies.
How does selling and negotiating work together? Mike Stewart joins Jim Blasingame to explain how to blend negotiating and selling techniques together to achieve more sales.
Are you a natural self-promoter? Mike Stewart talks with Jim Blasingame about why self-promoters are usually also successful, and he identifies three characteristics that are common among all national self-promoters.
Is selling in the 21st century different? Mike and Jim think so and they talk about how and why as they offer suggestions on how to prepare to sell successfully in this new market economy.
Do you know what a mastermind group is? Have you ever been a member of a mastermind group? Mike talks with Jim about these very important professional development organizations, how they help small business owners, what they cost and how to participate.
Mike and Jim talk about getting to the heart of the sale by discovering what's the most important thing on your prospect's mind. Mike says "discovery is the heart of the sale."
Mike and Jim talk about how to get your sales people to successfully make the change to the 21st century marketplace.
Mike and Jim talk about how to use technology to manage your sales activities, including propecting and even opportunity awareness.
Mike and Jim discuss how while there is nothing new about change itself, the velocity of change is what's gotten everyone so excited. They offer some ideas on how to lead your small business in the face of all of the rapid change.