Jim Blasingame

Interviews with Jim Blasingame RSS Feed

If your business isn't performing, it might not be the economy. Jim Blasingame talks making sure you're not using the economy as an excuse for poor performance. It might be that your practices are not competitive and that you haven't made the case with customers.
How are you projecting cash flow for the next 12 months? Jim Blasingame talks about the importance of creating a cash flow spreadsheet to project what your cash picture will be in any month for the next year, and why doing this will make your banker happy.
Jim Blasingame talks about the structural and emotional issues that are complicating this economic recovery, including the negative impact of the behavior and policies of politicians.
Is it time to stop using the economy as an excuse for poor performance? Jim Blasingame contends the deficiencies in your small business could be from poor performance and not the economy, and offers tips on how to differentiate.
Will the economy improve after the mid-term elections? Jim Blasingame reveals the results of a recent Small Business Advocate poll where almost 75% of respondents said yes, plus the reasons behind the emotional “dam”, caused by economic and political uncertainty.
Reporting on the entrepreneurs of the compounding pharmacy industry? Jim Blasingame reports on a recent visit with compounding pharmacists, including how they have found success against the Big Box pharmacies by getting back to the basics of serving customers one at a time.
Selling and serving customers online is no longer an option, it’s an imperative. Reporting on the results of an audience poll on online sales activity, Jim Blasingame reveals why it's imperative for small businesses to increasingly both sell and serve their customers online.
Are you ready for a change in Washington? Jim Blasingame reveals the results of a recent audience poll showing that 85% of respondents would vote Republican in the upcoming election. Jim's explains that small business owners feel they're under assault from Democrat policies and he identified several of them.
In today’s economic environment, are you more likely to hire employees or buy new technology? Jim Blasingame reveals his polling results on the topics of what it takes for small businesses to hire and whether they would buy technology or hire an employee to accomplish growth.
What is your recent experience in getting a bank loan? Jim Blasingame reveals polling results that indicate small business owners are not asking banks for loans, and since small banks have money to lend, neither need the government to help them.