Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to reminisce about Memorial Days past, and that those we honor died in service to an ideal greater than themselves.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to discuss whether our fallen heroes would have poured out their last measure of devotion if they knew that the ideal of liberty they were fighting for would one day turn into socialism.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to review his upcoming book on two dozen great leaders in history, and each of their unique contributions to changing the world.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to share their early memories of Thanksgiving Days during their childhoods.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to identify the many groups of individuals who serve with agape, and for whom we should be thankful on this Thanksgiving Day in America.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to report on the things America and Americans have done and are doing to benefit the rest of planet earth.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the mostly compatible relationship between labor and business in the 20th century.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how 21st century business/labor relationships are evolving, and how Wall Street reform could make a significant improvement.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to report that China and Iran are two significant challenges to peace and prosperity in the world, China’s impact on our intellectual property and Iran’s continued desire to export terror and discord.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the many reasons why America, warts and all, is the most unique and benevolent country in the world.