Paul Dandurand 
Paul Dandurand is the founder and CEO of PieMatrix, the creator of the Pie visual project management application. Prior to PieMatrix, he was co-founder a Silicon Valley company called FocusFrame, which was sold to Hexaware in 2006. Previously, he was a management consulting manager at Ernst & Young in San Francisco, and prior to E&Y he was at Siebel Systems (now Oracle) in Amsterdam.
Category: Management Fundamentals
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Paul Dandurand joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the key elements that your major disruption plan should include, like HR policies, supply chain factors, etc., and to prepare to be asked about this by larger customers.
Paul Dandurand joins Jim Blasingame to reveal importance of establishing a plan that will help you weather the next pandemic – or whatever – that we will have one day, including a free tool from his website to help you.