Shameless Small Business Marketing

Jim Blasingame Paula Lovell is president of her own Advertising/Marketing/PR firm, Lovell Communications, Inc., and deputy chairman of the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank. Paula wears two hats in our Brain Trust: she's one of our marketing experts, and one of the people who help us understand how the FED works. She's passionate about both subjects, but I really like to get her fired up about helping small businesses develop and implement their marketing plans.

Paula knows first hand that most small businesses have a limited marketing budget. That's why she recommends they perform a SWOT analysis to make sure that they use all of their resources effectively. SWOT stands for: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, and Threats, and it's one of the important components of Guerilla Marketing.

What is it about your organization that makes you better than any competitor? Most experienced people, best location, well trained staff, most reliable products, _(your idea here)_. As you develop your marketing plan, use these features to amplify your ability to deliver benefits for your prospective customers. "Our technicians have all received the highest level of training in our industry, which means your equipment will receive the best maintenance possible, resulting in less downtime, and more on your bottom line."

Everybody's has them: Young organization, undercapitalized, lesser known product lines. Recognize them, minimize them, and develop an offensive strategy that doesn't focus on those components of your company. "Drive an extra block to get the best service. You deserve the best."

Where is the niche in your marketplace that holds the most promise? It might be a weakness in your competitor's operation. If they don't have same day delivery and you do, that's your story. Use a recent success story to leverage your PR in your market. "John Jones, president of Jones Environmental, was recently elected to the International Environmental Executives (IEE) Board of Directors. The IEE is made up of the top professionals in this industry."

Learn how to turn these into opportunities. When a "big box" comes in, focus on service, not price. When a larger competitor has a critical mass advantage over you in getting and fulfilling a bid or RFP, develop a strategic alliance, which can create a more level playing field. "Susan, let's get together to talk about pooling our resources so we can go after that new contract at Apex Manufacturing. We can create an alliance or joint venture that would allow us to meet the specifications."

I really like one thing Paula says in particular about being a good Guerilla Marketer. She calls it the drip, drip, drip effect. Do something every day, no matter how small, that will help you penetrate your marketplace. Volunteer, network, provide expert information to the media, put your best foot forward whenever you can.

Which brings me to another thing that Paula says we should do. She says we should be a "Shameless Self-promoter". If you are proud of what you and your organization have accomplished, be shameless about that. This may be one of the most difficult things for the typical small business owner to do. The challenge is to know how to be a "shameless self-promoter" without being obnoxious and boring.

I think there are three important characteristics of a successful shameless self-promoter:

1. Be prepared. Have your article, expert opinion, or whatever, that would promote your company, ready to go. You never know when you will be called upon.

2. Be brief. Learn how to say your message, or write it, so that it can be heard in less than 10 seconds, and read in less than 30.

3. Be instructive. Your information will only be interesting if it delivers some benefit. Teach, inform, and add value as you put your best foot forward.

Write this on a rock... Leverage your marketing budget by taking advantage of all opportunities to put your company's best foot forward. The opportunities are out there, you just have to find them and learn how to use them to your advantage.

You can check out Paula Lovell's website at

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