Making Things Easier

Beverly Inman-Ebel Whenever I write an article or prepare a speech, I have my trusted American Heritage Dictionary by my side. I use it not for spelling as much as for clear definitions of the words I choose. I define a facilitator as one who ensures that the group follows the process. My faithful dictionary defines facilitate: “to free from difficulties or obstacles; make easier; aid; assist.”

I especially like the phrase, “make easier.” In a meeting, we all need help with making things easier. Over the years, as I have guided many clients to successful meetings, I realize with a smile that indeed I helped them to have an easier time.

One lady was very detailed and felt that the percentages that she offered were vital for her team to understand. She complained that they took little notice of them, causing her to spend even more time laboring the message to unhearing ears. I suggested she go to a local cookie company and order a large round chocolate chip cookie with icing dividing the circle into percentages that fit her situation. She came back delighted with the results. She told me the team happily discussed what portion of the cookie they were eating and they had a purposeful discussion on the otherwise dry information.

Another time I facilitated a meeting of a board of directors who were upset about a change being proposed to them. The directors were told before they saw the plan that they should jot down any question during the presentation, and then all questions would be asked immediately following the presentation. That resulted in approximately thirty questions from sixteen people. Knowing they could ask, and requesting them to put the questions in writing, created a willingness to listen and well-thought-out questions. Everyone was pleased with the results.

A leader of one meeting complained to me that participants were using their blackberries or computers during the meeting. He felt it was not only a distraction for the offending participant, but that it detracted from group discussion. When I facilitated the next meeting, we began by determining the guidelines that the group wanted compliance upon. It turned out that the group decided that electronic devices would not be tolerated during the meetings. The leader was thrilled because now he was not the dictator, rather a member of the team.

What can you do at your next meeting to make it easier for your team? You can arrive on time and be prepared. If you are an extrovert, strive to measure how often you speak. Call upon other people who are quiet even when you are not the leader. Ask for a summarization of decisions that are made. Stay focused during the meeting, remembering that where your eyes wander, your mind will follow. Keep your commitments. Give feedback to the group so that as a team, you will get better. Prepare. Arrive. Participate. Live your dreams.

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