Life Coaching: The Optimal Thinking Way

Rosalene Glickman

Why does life coaching fail to achieve the best results? There are numerous reasons. Let’s start with the simplest one. Life coaching conducted with suboptimal positive thinking produces suboptimal results! That’s why the Optimal Thinking life coach employs Optimal Thinking fastidiously during the life coaching process to maximize every communication and situation.

In The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale stated: “Expect the best at all times. Never think of the worst. Drop it out of your thought, relegate it. Let there be no thought in your mind that the worst will happen. You can overcome any obstacle. You can achieve the most tremendous things by faith power.”

Unfortunately, many suboptimal positive thinking coaches believe that your dreams will be realized by a magical, divine process that is triggered by the intensity of your hopes, wishes, and faith. They approach life with a false sense of security, and are ill prepared for negative consequences. Their positive thinking is often no more than wishful thinking and can be extremely dangerous.

Consider Betty, who told me about her last experience with wishful thinking. She actually quit her job and sold her house in Los Angeles, convinced that if she were steadfast in her faith, she would secure a job with a well-known company in San Diego. When Betty discovered that someone else got the job, she was devastated. Her wishful thinking put her out in the cold.

Do you experience feelings of disappointment because you entertain unrealistic expectations? Some people expect too much from others and situations, then pay a big price for it. During the flurry of excitement over the emerging dot-com phenomenon, many suboptimal positive thinking investors practiced wishful thinking. These suboptimal positive thinkers convinced themselves that Internet stocks could be evaluated with unrealistic criteria. Their illusions were permanently shattered when their stocks lost 50 to 100 percent of their value. Here is a conversation I overheard where a suboptimal positive thinking coach used wishful thinking.

COACHEE: I’m really worried about leaving my money in the stock market.

SUBOPTIMAL THINKING COACH: Just stay positive and everything will fall into place.

Here is the difference with an Optimal Thinking coach

COACHEE: I am having sleepless nights. I’m worried about leaving my money in the stock market. What is the best thing I can do?

OPTIMAL THINKING COACH: What’s the worst thing that could happen? What your best strategy to protect yourself from experiencing this scenario? How can you minimize your risk? What are the most constructive actions you can take under the current circumstances?

The Optimal Thinking coach collaborates with you to ensure that you don’t risk more than you can afford to lose. When you face considerable danger, your Optimal Thinking coach asks questions to help you determine your optimal contingency plan. You eliminate unnecessary disappointment by entertaining realistic expectations and focusing on optimizing situations within your control.

Rosalene Glickman, Ph.D. is the author of Optimal Thinking: How to Be Your Best Self
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Category: Work-Life, Balance
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