How The Salesman Got My Grandson Involved!

Brad Huisken Last week we investigated the importance of getting your prospect involved in the selling process and how we feel better about whatever activity we are participating in if we are involved. Now I have to tell you about my Grandson, Kody, and his shopping experience. My wife was spending the day with Kody so she took him to a mall across town because he likes to play in the play area at this mall. It is quite kid friendly and not bad for the adults as they have a great coffee stand right by the play area.

When Kody was finished playing they went looking around the mall and he came across a high tech toy store he wanted to go into. My wife agreed to go in the store to look but told him she was not buying anything for him there. Right when they walked in Kody spots this toy and he is just staring at it. My wife asks him what he is looking at and he says, “Grandma that’s a hover vehicle.” My wife says, “Is it a toy and what does it do?” He replies, “Yes, it’s a remote control toy Grandma and don’t you know what a hover vehicle does?” He proceeds to explain to her how this hover vehicle operates. I mean he explains it very scientifically, how the fans on the back bring in the air and push it under the craft to keep it just above the surface it is on. My wife knows how he loves these remote control things so she is reiterating the fact that she is not buying as a salesman walks up and over hears their conversation.

He asks my Grandson if he would like to try the toy out. He already knows Kody has a grasp of the features and probably the benefits, and that he wants it. He gives Kody the remote and he is off to the races. The salesman checked on them a couple of times to see if the batteries in the remote were still charged and let Kody play. Quite some time later, Kody picked up the toy and handed it back to the salesman, thanking him for letting him play with it and telling him he had to have it and asked how much it was. The salesman told him it was $80.00. Kody told the salesman that he was going to save his money and come back and buy it. As he and my wife walked out the door Kody asked his Grandma if he could do some work at our office to earn some money and my wife told him she was sure she could find him some work.

During the summer he has worked periodically at our office and he worked a little for his Dad (he pays more). Next week my wife will be taking him back to that toy store, as he will have reached his goal. It has been his focus for many weeks. I have no doubt he will be thrilled with himself just as my wife and I are thrilled for him and he is going to love that hover vehicle. This was the work of a very good salesman, he simply gave Kody the remote control and he got him involved. Like I said keeping the customer involved may not always be easy and may take time but it is priceless.

FINAO - Brad Huisken - President, IAS Training

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