
Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that anxiety often begins from your gut, as we process information, and some of that anxiety could be lessened by a change in your diet.
Pam Danziger
Pam Danziger joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the challenges of small retailers during the coronavirus shutdown, and offer suggestions on what to do to survive this unprecedented economic period.
Pam Danziger
Pam Danziger joins Jim Blasingame to report on the unprecedented assault coronavirus is waging on small retailers, who were already having a tough time from the assault of the online marketplace.
Bill Brandt
Bill Brandt joins Jim Blasingame to offer his observations on how the Communist party will fair post-pandemic, which he believes will be that it becomes stronger.
Bill Brandt
Bill Brandt joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what we’ve learned about certain limitations of globalization, and why going forward, every business model will have to include a hemispheric redundancy factor.
Bill Brandt
Bill Brandt joins Jim Blasingame to discuss his perspective on the current pandemic and our reaction to it, and how we may benefit from this experience as we deal with the next global crisis.
Bob Prosen
Bob Prosen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the fundamental steps small business owners take to manage risk, whether they’re in a pandemic or not, as a way to win by surviving.
Bob Prosen
Bob Prosen joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the key survival practices of making decisions fast, staying focused on what’s important, and executing with the resources you have.
Leo Haviland
Leo Haviland joins Jim Blasingame to offer his thoughts on how the economy will respond to being reopened, as well as how the stock market will adjust to less globalized business practices.
Leo Haviland
Leo Haviland joins Jim Blasingame to report on what we’re now learning about how a lack of redundancy in the supply chain has simultaneously driven stock valuations and put America in peril of being without essential medical products.

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