Search Results

Your search "start up" in "Interviews" yielded 920 results:

Jim Blasingame
Want to leave your employer and start a small business? Jim Blasingame offers some of his thoughts on the best way for an employed person to transition from a job to small business owner, including basic capitalization.
John Bradberry
Here are tips on how to regain entrepreneurial confidence. John Bradberry joins Jim Blasingame to several examples of why entrepreneurs sometimes lose their confidence, and offer tips on how to get it back.
John Bradberry
What causes an entrepreneur to lose confidence? John Bradberry joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to deal with the natural tendency to lose confidence in yourself when your business doesn't perform or when other factors create challenges.
Kita Szpak
Are you able to separate your life from your business? Kita Szpak joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the challenges of separating your personal life from your business when it's necessary.
Tom Markel
Are you a prospect for the crowdfunding capitalization model? Tom Markel joins Jim Blasingame to explain how his organization,, is prepared to help anyone who wants to use the crowdfunding method of raising capital.
Tom Markel
Crowdfunding is good for start-ups, but is it good business. Tom Markel joins Jim Blasingame to discuss and debate the issues and elements around crowdfunding and other new capital formation methods.
Gene Zaino
Many people are turning their skills in to a product they can sell instead of seeking employment. Gene Zaino joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the issues around choosing independent contracting over traditional employment, including pricing your work.
Tim Berry
What keeps you coming back to work every day? Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the power of loving your work as a way to keep you coming back even when there are jobs to do you don't like.
Bill Diffenderffer
What does the start-up capital landscape look like today? Bill Diffenderffer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how his latest start-up, Silver Car, was able to raise capital for a venture that will compete in a very mature industry.
Bill Diffenderffer
You don't have to create a new wheel today to be innovative with technology. Bill Diffenderffer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how his new company, Silver Car, used off the shelf technology to be innovative enough to fill a niche.