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Your search "taxes" in "Interviews" yielded 261 results:

Kristy Campbell
What are the issues that are affecting small business optimism? Kristy Campbell joins Jim Blasingame to report why small businesses are most concerned about high fuel costs, access to credit and uncertain taxes.
Paul J. Sarvadi
After three years, uncertainty is still holding back economic recovery. Paul Sarvadi joins Jim Blasingame to explain why he thinks the spectre of uncertainty about taxes and health care reform has contributed to poor economic recovery.
Jim Blasingame
When you raise tax rates on job creators, they invest less. Jim Blasingame talks about the proposed Buffet Rule that would increase taxes on the wealthy, and why small business owners don't agree with paying extra taxes on success.
Giovanni Coratolo
Reagan was devoted to supply-side economics. Giovanni Coratolo joins Jim Blasingame to explain why President Reagan would not have been in favor of the Buffet Rule -- raising taxes on the wealthy - in 2012.
Giovanni Coratolo
Will Congress decide to extend or abolish the Bush tax cuts? Giovanni Coratolo joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how Congress will deal with the expiring Bush tax cuts, and other tax and budget issues.
Barbara Weltman
How can Americans estimate 2012 taxes when the tax code doesn't help them calculate what is owed? Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why Congress has not resolved 2012 tax provisions, causing estimated tax filing confusion.
Pete Sepp
Why haven't property tax appraisals decreased with market values? Pete Sepp joins Jim Blasingame to report property taxes have not adjusted to housing market values, and how to get yours adjusted.
Eva Rosenberg
It’s a best practice to pay your payroll taxes as soon as you know what they are. Eva Rosenberg joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the payment of both payroll and income taxes online, plus the best practice of paying taxes early.
John Harrison
Tell Warren Buffett to just write a check to the government. John Harrison joins Jim Blasingame to tell billionaires like Warren Buffett to stop saying his taxes are too low and just write a check to the government.
Ray Keating
ObamaCare has been unraveling since it was signed into law. Ray Keating joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the structural collapse of ObamaCare and exceptions to failed taxes to Constitutional challenges.