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Your search "taxes" in "Interviews" yielded 261 results:

W. Michael Cox
Why are American's leaving certain states and going to others? Michael Cox joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the six things Americans are migrating to other states to avoid, including high taxes, unions and cost of living.
Burton Folsom
FDR's expansion of the income tax rates proved high taxes are unproductive. Burt Folsom joins Jim Blasingame to show that FDR's increasing income tax rates made productive people stop producing.
Jim Blasingame
Phil Mickelson was right to speak out about high taxes. Jim Blasingame to commend pro golfer, Phil Mickelson for the courage to speak out about excessive income tax rates, regardless of how much money he makes.
Rick Newman
Phil Mickelson only told the truth. Rick Newman joins Jim Blasingame to support Phil Mickelson's position that the combined California and U.S. income taxes are too much, and Phil has every right to say so.
Cliff Ennico
What's wrong with what Phil Mickelson said about being taxed too much? Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to defend the statements by Phil Mickelson that he was being taxed too much, and to reject the idea that success is an excuse for high taxes.
Gary Sirak
Do you know how much cash you're going to have available this year? Gary Sirak joins Jim Blasingame to report that uncertainty about taxes and Obamacare costs have become impediments to financial planning in 2013.
Jim Blasingame
Jim reveals the first half of his 2013 predictions. Jim Blasingame rings in the New Year with ten of his 2013 Crystal Ball Predictions which cover small business attitudes on employment, capital investment, taxes and Obamacare.
Rich Galen
Who will get a tax increase in 2013? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to predict the elements of the "Fiscal Cliff" debate, including who will pay more taxes and who will control the debt ceiling debate.
Barbara Weltman
Small businesses still don't know how much their taxes be in 2013? Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame on his live Christmas Day show to discuss the problems small business owners have not knowing what their taxes will be in 2013..
Andrew Mangione
Taxes on retirement dividends will likely go up. Andrew Mangione joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how the dividends counted on as retirement income will be cut by tax increases associated with Fiscal Cliff negotiations.