Monday - March 01, 1999

Jim Donovan
Jim D and Jim B talk about how to maintain the passion and the focus you need to keep working in your small business after the excitement of the founding days are long gone. They take a couple of calls, including one who talks about how he keeps himself motivated.
Steve Martin
Steve and Jim talk about how to manage risk in the life of your small business, and how to employ productively as you follow your dream. They discuss how to recognize whether you are risk averse or a risk taker, and how to deal with either answer.

Tuesday - March 02, 1999

Russell Brown
Russ and Jim discuss specific questions to ask anyone who represents themselves as a business broker to find out if that person has the credentials you need, especially how that person would let prospects know your company is available, while maintaining confidentiality. They also talk about the importance of properly valuing your business, and where to go for help. During the visit, a caller sings Blueberry Hill (really).
Daniel Pink
Reviewing an article he contributed to Fast Company, Dan talks with Jim about how Great Britain has gone about branding itself to be more competitive in the marketplace. Small business owners can learn about the concept of branding, and how important it is in the success of their business. They also talk about something called the Identity Premium.

Wednesday - March 03, 1999

Rick Pinion
In this archive, Jim and Rick discuss the definition of financial planning, how and when to work with a financial planner, how this industry has changed over the years and where it's going. Rick and Jim answer a caller's question about how to save for a child's education. They discuss several of the options, including an Education IRA, and state sponsored investment programs.
Beverley Williams
Jim begins his visit with Beverley by briefly talking about their regard for our national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner. After that they discuss the importance of networking, (letting the world know you exist) in the success of a home-based business. Specifics include, chamber of commerce meetings, and keeping your visibility high to insure you have new business opportunities in the "pipeline". Beverley and Jim how to prepare a very short introduction of yourself and what you do ready when you meet a new acquaintance (prospect).

Thursday - March 04, 1999

John Fox
John Fox joins Jim Blasingame to discuss his views on Americans' lack of retirement planning, plus the difference between saving vs investing, group retirement plans, profit sharing plans, Social Security issues, and what small business owners and their employees should be doing.

Friday - March 05, 1999

Philip Nulman
Phil joins Jim to talk about the definition of marketing, and how to conduct effective marketing in your small business, including how to break through the clutter in the marketplace to make sure your company's message gets across.
Kent tells Jim how important it is to have effective marketing materials in your small business, and how to work with a graphic designer to create business cards, brochures, logos, etc.

Monday - March 08, 1999

Azriela Jaffe
Azriela joins Jim to talk about the problems, opportunities, surprises, benefits, and critical steps to starting a business with someone you know.

Tuesday - March 09, 1999

Paul Davidson
Dr. Davidson talks with Jim about the mistake that would be made if the surplus the U.S. is "allegedly" experiencing. Paul makes the case for re-investing the surplus back into our economy by reducing taxes.

Wednesday - March 10, 1999

Beverley Williams
Beverley talks with Jim about how to conduct yourself in a networking opportunity setting, such as a Chamber mixer, etc., including having a short, prepared introductory statement of what you do. They then discuss how and when you should move the business out of the home.
Grace-Marie Arnett
Grace-Marie talks with Jim about the current and potential political mismanagement of healthcare in the United States, and how small business owners are discriminated against with respect to providing healthcare benefits to employees.

Thursday - March 11, 1999

Donald Boudreaux
Don and his organization are proponents of free trade, and he and Jim talk about the Banana Wars and other assaults on free trade in the global marketplace by governments.

Friday - March 12, 1999

Doug Stives
Doug talks with Jim about how taxpayers create complications in their lives by making unnecessary mistakes on their returns, and how to deal with an IRS audit.

Monday - March 15, 1999

Tim Berry
Jim interviews Tim and Harold about where to go for business capital and how to get it, including working with banks and Angel investors. The guys also discuss some aspects of business planning.
Russell Brown
Russ and Jim begin talking about the importance of having contingency plans for surprises and problems in your business, and then move on to the questions a buyer or seller should ask a business broker, such as assurance of confidentiality.

Tuesday - March 16, 1999

Ken Leebow
Ken talks with Jim about where to go on-line for what you need, including, much to Jim's incredulity, Beanie Babies.
Jeffrey joins Jim to talk about the rampant stupidity in the marketplace demonstrated by businesses who don't understand the importance of good customer service, and how to avoid this terminal condition in your business.

Wednesday - March 17, 1999

Patricia Weber
Jim demonstrates his sensitive side as he talks with Pat about the special problems and opportunities that women find in the marketplace. (Guys, Jim is a professional, don't try this at home).

Monday - March 22, 1999

Shel talks with Jim about how to make sure you are getting your money's worth out of your advertising and marketing by tracking results, which could be as simple as asking customers and prospects how they found you.

Tuesday - March 23, 1999

Steve Martin
Steve talks with Jim about how to manage the elements of a cost effective organization (CEO), specifically, financial, material, space, time, and several other elements.

Wednesday - March 24, 1999

George Selgin
Gary Shilling
Jim has his hands full interviewing these two Ph.D.s about national and global economic issues, including inflation, deflation, stock market fundamentals, consumer debt vs investment, and other issues.

Friday - March 26, 1999

Doug Stives
Doug and Jim talk about year-end tax filing issues, beginning with filing extensions, and then moving on to recent tax law changes, tax credits, IRAs, rollovers, and Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), among other things.
William Hubbartt
After a short discussion of current events, Bill talks with Jim about how to conduct a self-audit of your personnel policies, how it can prevent personnel management problems, and how an audit will help you deal with various governmental agencies.

Monday - March 29, 1999

Russell Brown
Russ and Jim talk about how to buy an existing business, with emphasis on the advantages of buying an existing business as opposed to starting a new one.

Tuesday - March 30, 1999

Ellen talks with Jim about the dynamics and the baggage that are part of a family owned business, and how to deal with all of this as members of your company, and managers of this business as it competes in the marketplace.

Wednesday - March 31, 1999

Mary talks with Jim about how to manage all of the technological capability in our lives, plus how to market your business on-line, including how to work with search engines and directories.
Beverley Williams
Beverley and Jim talk about a variety of success tips for home-based business owners, including how to keep your home-based business open when you are not in your business, like when you are on vacation.