William Hubbartt

Interviews with William Hubbartt RSS Feed

Jim and Bill talk about the changes in workplace policy over the years and some new regulations small business owners should be aware of.
Bill joins Jim to talk about the do's and don'ts of planning an office holiday party.
Bill joins Jim to talk about how to increase your relationship with your employees with total compensation packages.
Bill joins Jim to discuss what to do about people in your organization who are habitually late.
Bill, a human resources expert, talks with Jim about how now, when there aren't as many customers to serve, is the perfect time for training.
Bill joins Jim to explain the new H.I.P.A. rules and how they affect doctors, insurance groups, patients, and employers. They also discuss the costs of the act.
Jim and Bill talk about Father's Day and what fathers teach their children about the value of work, drive, and success.
Bill and Jim discuss the equal pay for equal work issues.
Jim and Bill talk about new healthcare privacy regulations. They discuss how these regulations affect small business, even iff it is not related to the healthcare field. Bill talks about how to handle the medical privacy of your employees.
Jim and Bill talk about new healthcare privacy regulations. They discuss how these regulations affect small business, even iff it is not related to the healthcare field. Bill talks about how to handle the medical privacy of your employees.