Sue Hawkes joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how feeling like an impostor is a natural feeling almost all of us have, and how to deal with it as an imperfect human trying to make things happen.
Sue Hawkes joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that research shows women and men feel like impostors, or failures, or less than perfect, about the same, and how to overcome this natural feeling.
Sue Hawkes joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the ways workplace conversation has become relegated to more politically correct standards, like how to respond when someone sneezes.
Sue Hawkes joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the Gen Y and Gen Z generations are putting more politically correct pressure on workplace conversation, plus what’s going to happen to hugging?
Sue Hawkes joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the concept of having the proper balance between your profession and your personal life and whether such an achievement is even possible
Sue Hawkes joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the ways people derail the balance in their lives, and how to change all of that with tools such as better delegating, and not manufacturing guilt.