Steven S. Little

Interviews with Steven S. Little RSS Feed

Do you test prospective employees before you hire them? Steven Little joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the reasons and procedures of testing of prospective employees, including for cognitive and personality profiles.
How often do you provide performance reviews for employees? Steven Little joins Jim Blasingame to offer tips and best practices on how to conduct employee performance reviews, including how often and on what topics.
Are you making e-marketing more complicated than it has to be? Steven Little joins Jim Blasingame to talk about some basic e-marketing tips and best practices that will result in solid sales growth.
Can your business survive without an e-marketing strategy? Steven Little joins Jim Blasingame to identify several elements of an effective e-marketing strategy.
What can we learn from the Great Recession? Steven Little joins Jim Blasingame to talk about whether business and political leaders we've learned anything in the past three years.
Are there ways to take advantage of the new normal? Steven Little joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the various ways you can create opportunities in your niche of the marketplace, domestic and abroad.
America needs leadership in long-term vision and sustainable systems. Steven Little joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why we have to promote, value and encourage leadership both in our businesses and in Washington.
What can we learn from the Great Recession? Steven Little joins Jim Blasingame to talk about whether business and political leaders we've learned anything in the past three years.
Are there ways to take advantage of the new normal? Steven Little joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the various ways you can create opportunities in your niche of the marketplace, domestic and abroad.
America needs leadership in long-term vision and sustainable systems. Steven Little joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why we have to promote, value and encourage leadership both in our businesses and in Washington.