Robert Levin

Interviews with Robert Levin RSS Feed

Rob Levin joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the resiliency of email marketing, especially an email newsletter.
Rob Levin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why you can’t trust social media communities with the big platforms, and why you should migrate those community members to your email marketing list.
Rob Levin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the tips and best practices to create an email newsletter for marketing to a community of followers.
Robert Levin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the fundamental skills and commitment required to run and grow a small business.
Robert Levin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why your business requires a CEO at the helm for sustainability, and how to make the move from manager to CEO.
Robert Levin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why as the CEO, you have to spend time working on your business and not all your time working in your business, also the value of roundtable groups.
Robert Levin joins Jim Blasingame to remind you that your work and your customers’ schedules might not coordinate with the Gregorian calendar, so take the long, multi-year view of your business’s performance.
Rob Levin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that less than 90% of visitors to your website are ready to buy, so make sure you’ve got something to help that group keep coming back until they’re ready to buy.
Rob Levin joins Jim Blasingame to recognize that most people in business aren’t steeped in content marketing acumen, so find professional to help with this essential, new strategy.
Robert Levin joins Jim Blasingame to encourage you to identify ways you can take your offerings to market with the help of digital tools, platforms and strategies.