Peter Meyer

Interviews with Peter Meyer RSS Feed

Can the experience we deliver to customers overcome a pricing premium? Peter Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to propose that delivering a customer experience that includes peace of mind and trust can go a long way to helping a small business maintain a premium pricing structure.
Does the Australian marketplace encourage entrepreneurs? Reporting from the eastern coast of Australia, Peter Meyer talks to Jim Blasingame about the entrepreneurial environment in this country.
How does a small business encourage innovation among employees? From Australia, Peter Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to talk about using what customers need and want to foster the innovative activities of your organization.
What is brand equity and how do you create it for your small business? Peter Meyer and Jim Blasingame discuss the balance sheet effect of how your small business is perceived in the marketplace, how to increase brand equity and what to do when a brand liability pops up. They also talk about using brand equity as a platform for growth.
How do you know when to go from survival to testing the leading edge? Peter Meyer talks with Jim Blasingame about growing your business by helping customers grow their revenue. Peter offers tips and best practices.
What do you need to know about Web 2.0 and how will it help your business? Peter Meyer talks with Jim Blasingame about the philosophy and applications of the future of online strategies, including how customers want to be reached, what they want to hear, and how they want to be heard.
What is the best way to deal with fear in your small business during uncertain times? Peter Meyer talks with Jim Blasingame about to some of the ways to prevent fear from becoming a performance thief.
As you grow your business, are you balancing execution and vision? Peter Meyer talks with Jim Blasingame about how to make sure that you're focus on executing your business model doesn't preclude seeing where the business should be going in the future.
It is possible for small businesses to create and dominate new markets, but not without understanding a few guidelines. Peter joins Jim to talk about some of the key guidelines necessary to be a dominant small business.
Peter and Jim talk about how to minimize the risk all customers feel when they are trying to decide who to spend their money with. Peter says it's all about the opportunity. Check it out.