Ken Tencer joins Jim Blasingame to suggest an approach to studying macro-trends in forecasting where the marketplace and customer expectations will dictate your post-pandemic growth.
Ken Tencer joins Jim Blasingame to offer a pre-act way of thinking about the implications of the post-pandemic marketplace, with elements like both virtual and face-to-face customer interaction.
Ken Tencer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why every CEO has to get good at identifying the macrotrends that will shape your future, and then in turn develop a strategy that takes advantage of them.
Ken Tencer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how macrotrends represent the future coming at your business and how to identify as many as possible, especially the ones that have the greatest implications for you.
Ken Tencer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why every CEO has to get good at identifying the macrotrends that will shape your future, and then in turn develop a strategy that takes advantage of them.
Ken Tencer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how macrotrends represent the future coming at your business and how to identify as many as possible, especially the ones that have the greatest implications for you.
Ken Tencer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to shift to the new reality of operating in a marketplace where the future has been accelerated into our here and now.
Ken Tencer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss three long-term trends we face, including technology and geopolitics, and how they’re affecting the way we do business.
Ken Tencer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the four essential elements of sustaining an entrepreneurial endeavor, including passion and integrity.
Ken Tencer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the new attitude we all must have if we’re going to be able to mount a restart in the New Regular of the post-pandemic marketplace.