John Horvat II joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why additional payments from the government now will just add to the national debt without boosting the economy more than the current level of available cash would.
John Horvat II joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that President Biden replacing the bust of Churchill from the Oval Office with the bust of a controversial figure does not reflect the historic values of America, and belies his unity message.
John Horvat II joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why additional payments from the government now will just add to the national debt without boosting the economy more than the current level of available cash would.
John Horvat II joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that President Biden replacing the bust of Churchill from the Oval Office with the bust of a controversial figure does not reflect the historic values of America, and belies his unity message.
John Horvat II joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how social distancing is the current challenge for retailers to use Santa as a customer attraction.
John Horvat II joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how many state and local pandemic lockdown orders seemed to unfairly limit people of faith from practicing their religious activities.
John Horvat II joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how humans still haven’t learned how to blend digital innovations with our much slower analog human nature, and every new day on this track increasingly threatens society.
John Horvat II joins Jim Blasingame to discuss several examples in recent history of Fed monetary intervention in the economy, and the short, mid and long-term implications as a moral hazard.
John Horvat joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how Fed monetary intervention in the economy has been beneficial, even necessary, and when it creates multiple long-term problems that will eventually have to be reconciled.
John Horvat joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the ultimate bill that is/will come due in time on the $trillion of Fed monetary intervention, including the geopolitics of weakening the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency.