Jim Blasingame

Interviews with Jim Blasingame RSS Feed

Attempting the virtually impossible, Jim Blasingame offers his most inspirational thoughts on this Christmas Day, plus his best attempt to defend those who might be a little bit like Mr. Scrooge.
Jim Blasingame celebrates Christmas with two Bible passages, followed by reading a passage from the book, Anam Cara, titled, "The greatest sin is the unlived life," by Jim's friend, the late John O'Donohue.
Jim Blasingame celebrates Christmas with a beautiful poem about our men and women in military service and he pays tribute to their sacrifice and that of their families.
Jim Blasingame identifies five things to focus on in order to begin the new year with a "clean" company, including inventory, customers, employees, accounts receivable, etc.
What politicians can do to help the economy. Jim Blasingame identifies the specific things the government can do to help small businesses promote economic growth, plus the things they are doing to hinder the economy.
What should really be discussed at President Obama's Jobs Summit? Jim Blasingame talks about what's wrong with the invitee list at the Jobs Summit as well as what he thinks would really cause jobs to be created, both of which are probably why Jim wasn't invited.
In his traditional Thanksgiving Day message, Jim Blasingame talks about the origins of this holiday, how it wouldn't have been possible without a demonstration of the best of humanity, amazing serendipity and the phenomenon of cause-and-effect.
Jim Blasingame reveals his thought on why the coming economic recovery will be a marathon and not a sprint, including the the paradoxical issues of unemployment level and increasing productivity.
The new customer paradigm: total control. Jim Blasingame reveals the three customer relationship elements that are part of The Age of the Customer™, and what small businesses must do about it.
Finding things to celebrate, even in a slow economy. Jim Blasingame talks about why we should celebrate milestones, like business anniversaries, but also the relationships we have with customers.