Jim Ballard

Interviews with Jim Ballard RSS Feed

The Jims begin their visit talking about how instinct plays a big part in our success. They move on to discuss the power of gratefulness. <br></["br"]>
Jim Ballard joins Jim for another visit about the power of intuition. Jim says we have plenty of intuition, but that small business owners too often fail to use it to our advantage.
The Jims get together for another great visit. Jim Ballard introduces how serendipity is so much a part of our lives and businesses, and how we can find more happy surprises in our lives if we actually look for them.
The two Jim's talk about the importance of intuition as a tool to manage change.
Jim Ballard joins our Jim while he broadcasts life from Salt Lake City, Utah to talk about how to be felxible in order to handle the changes in your small business. They also talk about depending on your own instincts in times of change.
Jim introduces the idea of recognizing Defining Moments in our lives, and the two Jim's discuss what to do when they happen.
James joins Jim to share some holiday inspiration on Christmas Eve.
James joins Jim to explain why we are never short on time and how to be a time millionaire.
James and Jim talk about the difference between generations and how to help parents move out of their home.
James joins Jim to talk about gaining and maintaining balance in leadership.