Hector joins Jim to reflect on his tenure at the SBA and to talk about what he's going to do post-SBA.
Administrator Barreto joins Jim to talk about some of the important work the SBA has been doing with the victims of Hurricane Katrina. They go on to discuss the news regarding Business Matchmaking and the upcoming Small Business Week events in Washington, D.C.
Hector talks with Jim about how the U.S. economy is doing, the jobs growth picture, and the SBA's role in disaster relief over the past few months.
The Administrator joins Jim to congratulate Jim on 8 years on the air, and to talk about how the SBA is helping small businesses in the disaster areas of the Gulf get their businesses going again.
Jim and Hector talk abhout what small businesses and big businesses have in common and how business match making is helping small businesses compete.
Administrator Barreto talks with Jim about the upcoming business matchmaking events in Nashville, Tennessee and Washington, D.C. as well as the 2005 Expo in Washington during Small Business Week. They also discuss the issues relating to social security reform.
Administrator Barreto joins Jim to report that the SBA will have a record 22 billion dollars available for loan guarantees for small businesses in 2005. He also discusses with Jim the progress being made in tort reform and how that progress is good for small business. They continue their discussion by talking about the business match making events that are conducted around the country to help small businesses compete for contracts with government agencies and government contractors.
Karen and Hector join Jim to talk about a reacent economic summit and what small business owners could learn from it. Hector also shares some breaking news with Jim.
Jim and Hector discuss the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 and the SBA's Minority Development Enterprise Week.
Hector joins Jim to Kick off the SBA's Expo '04 in Orlando, Florida.