Diane DiResta

Interviews with Diane DiResta RSS Feed

Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the reasons why the old-fashioned proposal is still relevant, even if you use new technology to create and deliver it.
Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why everyone in the marketplace should learn how to create and deliver a well-developed presentation or sales proposal.
Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the technological innovations that have impacted the discipline of delivering an effective presentation.
Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the reasons why the old-fashioned proposal is still relevant, even if you use new technology to create and deliver it.
Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame to use the way the presidential candidates delivered their campaign messages as a way to craft our own delivery, including why you must know your audience.
Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame to use the way the presidential candidates delivered their campaign messages, as a way to craft our own delivery, including why you must know yourself and be authentic.
Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame to use the way the presidential candidates delivered their campaign messages as a way to craft our own delivery, including why you must get the attention of your audience.
Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that if you use non-words, like Uh, Ah, and You know repetitively, when you’re speaking of delivering a presentation, you dilute the power of the message you’re trying to deliver.
Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that speaking mannerisms, like voice grinding, up-talking, grammatical errors and being sloppy with words will cause people you want to influence to disregard you.
Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame to help women recognize the tendency to put higher standards on themselves than is necessary, and why such judgment and often guilt can hold them back.