Who's Wallowing?

Terri Lonier

If you're like most soloists I know, patience is not a strong suit. We long to be engaged with new ideas, new opportunities, and a chance to create our business anew on a regular basis.

This thought crossed my mind the other day as I was perusing the Wall Street Journal over my Cheerios and scanned the headlines. The words were all similar: decline, recession, worst, cutback, layoffs, fail, bankrupt, bailout, fraud, loss, cuts. I sat back and laughed out loud. Enough already!

I believe it's time to move on. Yes, the recession may last a while. Yes, the headlines will likely stay the same for months to come. But we, as a community of soloists, can readjust our thinking and transform this current economic situation -- as least for our microbusinesses. I'm not denying it's a desperate time for many -- I've personally experienced the losses. But I propose a ban on wallowing. It's time for some fresh thinking.

Over the course of the next month I'm devoting my newsletter to topics that will move us all forward. It will focus on things we can do -- right now -- to shift our mental states and re-energize our companies. To begin:

1. Take stock of the good.
It's easy to identify all the things off track in your business. But what is going right? What successes have you experienced in the last six months that deserve recognition? Chart them, be grateful for them, and make a list that you can keep in sight.

2. Monitor your intake of the negative.
The media feeds on fear and negativity -- and they have an unending source of fuel in this rocky economic period. Be selective in what you choose to read and pay attention to -- not to be an ostrich and ignore the world around you, but in recognition of the power of influence.

3. Choose to be positive.
Never forget that your attitude is a choice. In Pooh's garden, are you
Piglet or Eeyore?

Join me in this Solo Turn-Around. We can change the energy level in these tumultuous times, one solo business at a time. Besides, aren't you bored with being gloomy?

-- Terri Lonier, Founder, WorkingSolo.com
This article first appeared in the Working Solo newsletter:

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.


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