Putting Your Beliefs to the Test

Jim Donovan "If you’re praying for rain, remember to bring an umbrella"

When I first read the above quote in Charles Fillmore’s classical self-help book, “Prosperity” it was a big “Ah Ha” for me. Interestingly enough, the book was written in 1936, at the time of the great depression. How courageous of him to do that. It must have taken a powerful belief system to publish a book about using the power of our minds to create abundance at a time when most people were buying into lack in a big way.

Reading that simple sentence reminded me how important it is to “act as if” in order to realize a dream or goal. The Bible talks about how, if you believe that you will receive what you ask for, it is yours. It talks about having the faith of mustard seed and it will be given to you.

Are you doing that? Are you demonstrating the belief that your desires will come to pass? If you own your own business, and I sincerely hope that you do, for you own security and financial protection, and you are asking for more customers, are you demonstrating your faith by setting up systems to accommodate them?

If you are selling a home have you begun packing? Or are you waiting for the buyer to appear? If you believe in the power of your desires, and the power of your prayers, you will want to get ready and start packing your belongings.

If you want a new car, have you taken one for a test drive, obtained the brochure, learned about pricing and picked out a color? If not, what are you waiting for?

If you want to meet that special someone, have you been planning things to do together? Are you going out and putting yourself in “the path of probability” where you may actually meet someone or are you sitting home waiting for the doorbell to ring? Have you defined the characteristics of your “ideal” relationship so you’ll recognize the person when they show up?

There is an old story about a man who asked God Why he would not let him win just a small amount in the lottery, even though he had been praying for it and he was a good person. God replied by saying, “Do you think you could at least buy a ticket?”

It would be a good idea for you to go over all your important goals and desires and see where you may not be demonstrating your belief. Remember that faith is simply a belief in things not yet seen. It is the bird that sings before the sunrise because little bird knows, and trusts, that the sun will come even though it is still dark.

Jim's Jems Newsletter is copyright 1991-2004 by Jim Donovan. All rights reserved.

Category: Work-Life, Balance
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